Archives for : Domestic IP Law
In the very first State of the Union address in 1790, George Washington urged Congress to pass a copyright law. Today, the Copyright Office supports over $1 TRILLION of economic activity. But the Office is hidden away in the Library of Congress and stuck with outdated technology. How did that happen and why does it matter to you? Read the Hudson Institute paper I co-wrote with former Register of Copyrights Ralph Oman to find out.
The Federal Communications Law Journal has published my case note analyzing the Supreme Court’s decision in ABC v. Aereo. The article can be found here.
On July 24 I had the honor to testify before the House Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property, and the Internet on the issue of “Copyright Remedies.” The webcast can be found on the Committee’s website (in two parts). The written testimony I submitted for the record is available here.
I was delighted to have the opportunity to debunk the flawed reasoning, shoddy scholarship, and proposals that are anything BUT conservative in this piece run by the National Review Online: